Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friend Patch ~ 2

 So I have been thinking a lot about friends lately. I have had a lot of "friends" in my life. They have come and gone and some I dared to call my best friends. The amazing thing is they were the ones who hurt me the most. Why do women hurt each other so much?

Women have many, many acquaintances and friends in their lifetimes, but few have very dear, close friends that they can truly trust.  Growing up girls cycle through relationships almost as fast or sometimes faster than the fashion trends.  Sometimes women develop relationships that last from childhood to adulthood. (What a blessing that would be.) Other times a relationship will develop and suddenly one will turn on the other and the friendship is destroyed. 

Christ had a group of 12 friends that He traveled and shared things with. Of that group, 3 men (Peter, James and John),  were His closest friends. They were the ones that when He was in His darkest hour, He turned to and longed for their prayers and support. 

Throughout the Bible there are at least 2 examples of men and women who had very dear, you might say best friends, Jonathan and David, Naomi and Ruth. They had friendships that lasted through the most difficult  of times and trials. 

It would be wonderful if every person could experience this in their lifetime. A loyal, deep and undying friendship something to truly treasure. A friendship that never ended, no matter how many miles separated you, no matter your differences.  I think it would be great to have 3 best friends, God, my husband and a female best friend. For now I have God, and my husband is the dearest earthly friend I have ever known! So 2 out of 3 is pretty good! :) 

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