Friday, November 4, 2011

2 Weeks 2 Days sick and counting.... You're Gonna What?

Remember I posted that my son had been sick...well.... he's still sick! He started with a sore throat on October 19th! He started to get better, but Monday the 31st he was really sick. He started throwing up! I can handle a cold because I can give fever reducer and cough medicine and tissues. But when your child is throwing up you feel so helpless! Especially when their fever reaches 103.4 and you can't give them the fever reducer because they will throw it back up. I was so worried a called the pharmacy about suppositories! EEEEEWWW! I know as a kid that was just about the worst word ever to me! Umm excuse're gonna put What .... WHERE???? Oh no, no, No, NO YOU"RE NOT!

Thankfully the throwing up stopped so we didn't have to buy or use any! Wheeewww! The fever is hovering at 100 and there is till an ugly cough. But it is now manageable! But we are not going anywhere! Staying in the house pushing lots of fluids, resting and trying to watch educational stuff so we can still count some days for school. Hopefully soon we will be able to crawl out or our cozy cocoon and see the rest of the world.


  1. It's been a LONG time, but I had to use those for nausea when I had a kidney infection. Thankfully, the thought is worse than it really is, and they do work. :-)

  2. LOL, I know the thought is bad enough!
